Safeguarding:Photography & Filming Policy

We work with children and families as part of our activities. These include the coaching of athletes and competing in domestic and international events.The purpose of this policystatement is to: protect children and young people who take part in event and activities, specifically those where photographs and videos may be taken set out the overarching principles that guide our approach tophotographs/videos being taken of children and young people during ourevents and activities to ensure thatwe operate in line with our values and within the law whencreating, using and sharingimages of children and young people.

This policy statement applies to all staff, volunteers and other adults associated with us.

Photography and/or filming for personal use

When children themselves, parents/carers or spectators are taking photographs orfilming at our events and the images are forpersonal use, we will publish guidanceabout image sharing in the event programmes and/or announce details of ourphotography policy before the start of the event.

This includes: asking forpeople to think carefully before using any images showing children and young people on their website, social media or other publications asking people to choose images that present the activity in a positive light and present the best aspects of the sport and organisation. recommending that people check the privacy settings of their social media account to understand who else will be able to view any images theyshare reminding children, parents and carers who they can talk to if they have anyconcerns about images being shared.

Photography and/or filming by the academy recognises that you may use photography and filming as an aid in activities such as competing. However,children/young people and theirparents/carers must be made aware that this is part of the programme. We will seek to keep children and young people safe by: thinking carefully before using any images showing children and young people on our website, social media or other publication. choose images that present in a positive light, and promote thebest aspects of the sport and organisation. don’t supply full names of children along with the images, unless:oit’s considered necessary–such as foreliteyoung athletesoit’  in the child’s best interests of the child and parent have consented. Only use images of children in suitable dress or kit, including recommended safety wear such as shin pads or gum shields images of athletes should focus on the activity rather than a particular chil oavoid images and camera angles that may be more prone to misinterpretation or misuse than others.

When hiring the services of a professional photographer we will:providing the photographer with a clear brief about appropriate content and behaviour ensure the photographer wears identification at all timesoinform children and parents/carers that a photographer will be at theeventonot allow the photographer to have unsupervised access to childrenonot allow the photographer to carry out sessions outside the event or ata child’s home reporting concerns regarding inappropriate or intrusive photography followingour child protection procedures.

Photography and/or filming for wider useIf people such as local journalists, professional photographers (not hired by the academy) or students wish to record one of our events and share the imagesprofessionally or in the wider world, they should seek permission in advance.

Theyshould provide:the name and address of the person using the camera, the names of children they wish to take images of (if possible), the reason fortaking the images and/or whatthe images will be used for, a signed declaration that the information provided is valid and that the imageswill only be used for the reasons given. We will verify these details and decide whether to grant permission forphotographs/films to be taken.

We will seek consent from the children who are theintended subjects of the images and their parents and inform the photographer ofanyone who does not give consent.

At the event we will inform children, parents and carers that an external photographeris present and ensure they are easilyidentifiable.

If the event management team is concerned that someone unknown to us is usingtheir sessions for photography or filming purposes, we will ask them to leave and(depending on the nature of the concerns) follow our child protection procedures.

Storing images

We will store photographs and videos of children securely, in accordance with oursafeguarding policy anddata protection law. We will keep hard copies of images in a locked drawer and electronic images in a protected folder with restricted access. We will never store images of children on unencryptedor non password protectedportable equipment such as laptops, memory sticks and mobile phones.

Responding to concerns.

All staff, volunteers, children and parents should be informed that if they have anyconcerns regarding inappropriate or intrusive photography (in terms of the way, by whom, or where photography is being undertaken), these should be reported to theevent organiser or anotherofficial.There must be a safeguarding procedure in place to ensure that reported concernsare dealt with in the same way as any other child-protection issue. Ensure that the club or event organiser, or lead child protection or safeguarding officer is informed. Concerns about professional photographers should also be reported to their employers.If there are concerns or suspicions about potentially criminal behaviour this should include referral to the police. Where parental consent is not given due to legal restrictions e.g. child is in loca lauthority care or placed with an adoptive family, arrangements must be put into place to ensure that any official or professional photographers can identify (or be informed about) which children should not be subject to close up photography where the child may be recognisable.